Staying connected to the committees and organizations of Burbank so we can identify key players and nurture relationships to enact change.
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City of Burbank
View Burbank Boards, Commissions, & Committees Information and Members List
City Council
Burbank Water & Power Board
Sustainable Burbank Commission
Advises City Council in establishing policy
Engages the participation of the community
Provides community support for advancing policy initiatives and programs
Advises City Council in the maximizing and leveraging efficient use of resources in the community
Advises City Council in the review of proposals, programs, practices, and goals
Park, Recreation, and Community Services Board
Initiates studies, investigations and surveys
Prepares and recommends rules and regulations for the use and improvement of the public parks, squares and grounds in the City
Advises the Council in all matters pertaining to the parks, squares and grounds of the City
Advises and recommends the amount of financial support to be contributed by the City for inclusion in the annual budget for: dramatic, musical, or cultural organizations or groups, grants, and contracts
Youth Board
Member Roster: 17
Represents the interests of local youth in community affairs
Represents the City in matters of interest to youth in the community
Assists in helping other youth in the community to understand and appreciate local government
Obtains interpretations for local youth on City ordinances, rules and regulations which affect them
Encourages local youth to actively participate in community affairs and matters of concern to the City
Conducts studies and investigations in the general field of youth and community interest
Encourages coordination of effort among community institutions and organizations that focus on youth problems and needs
Advises and assists the Park and Recreation Board on issues affecting the youth in the community
Helps residents and businesses prevent waste by providing workshops, resources and public outreach
Multi-purpose facility processes curbside recyclables and offers easy drop off services
Recycle Center: 500 S. Flower St., Burbank, CA 91502
Unified School District
Board of Education (BUSD School Board)
5 Board Members & 3 Student Board Members
BUSD Wellness Programs and Services
School Health and Safety Policies
Health Education
Physical Education and Physical Activity Programs
Nutrition Environment and Services
School Health Services
School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
Social and Emotional Climate
Physical Environment
Employee Wellness and Health Promotion
Family Engagement
Community Involvement
BUSD School Facilities Oversight Committee
Reviews proposed construction projects and determine if the projects are designed to rehabilitate Burbank's public schools, including:
replacing inadequate electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning systems
complying with fire, earthquake, health and safety standards
renovating, constructing and modernizing classrooms and school facilities
Creating a responsible ecosystem for our educational community through environmental action, leadership, and stewardship.
The future depends on what we do today.
BUSD can become a “Green Ribbon School District” through rigorous action and implementation of environmental initiatives. If children are nurtured and nourished in an environment fostering our planet's resilient and robust stewardship, they will naturally be team leaders and expect nothing less.
WHY do we need SEAC?
Environmental leadership is urgently needed to address the climate emergency. Increasing local climate changes have dramatically affected air, soil, and water quality, directly influencing our educational system’s health and well-being. Outdoor learning spaces have proven to improve academic performance by an average of 15%.
Burbank Unified School District is uniquely positioned to affect change in the community by putting environmental action into practice with greater visibility. As an independent school district, BUSD has to be self-sufficient and collaborate with value-aligned partners on funding opportunities and green initiatives.
Council PTA
Burbank Educational Foundation + Burbank Arts for All Foundation
Supports arts education, STEM programs, student safety, wellness and other needs.