BEC Projects
Between individual school projects, working with the city and nonprofits - like Tree People - Burbank Eco Council reps are always up to some good! We also try to provide guidance and inspiration on a district-level.

Partnering with Tree People and architects, SWA, the BEC has been working on plans for school greening at 6 BUSD schools. We helped facilitate workshops at each school to get input from students, parents, and teachers about the current state of their campuses and envision more trees/shade, native plants, rainwater capture, and outdoor learning spaces.
Costume Swaps
Each year, leading up to Halloween, we encourage schools to participate in a free-to-all costume exchange. The goal is to keep used costumes out of the landfill, avoid buying new, and save parents money.

The Burbank Recycle Center is giving away food scrap pails to city residents at community events. Eco Council reps have partnered with the BRC to help get the word out, educating parents at schools and handing out green pails with easy-to-follow guides in multiple languages.
Waste Reduction Poster
Our amazing team pulled together 50 Easy Ways to Reduce Waste at School. Then one of our graphic designers turned it into a poster, which we were able to gift to 8 schools after receiving a grant.

Waste Reduction Guide
Need a comprehensive guide to reducing waste at your school? We all do, really. The Burbank Eco Council team is working on this to share with the district so all our schools will be on the same page.
Eco Clubs & School Gardens
There is a lot going on at our Burbank schools! We are working on a way to share all that's been happening: Eco Club activities, building garden beds, planting natives, veggies, and trees, costume swaps, and more.